Sunday 8 March 2015

International women's day 2015

Dear Me - What Advice Would You Give Your Younger Self?


International women's day 2015


Wednesday 4 February 2015

Conditional Sentences

Second Conditional

Zero  type: If you spend more than one day in the city, go there....

First  type:  If I'm not tired I will have a walk around. First type

Second type: If I finished with the tour booking on time, I would eat there.

Third  type If I had decided to spend here more days, I would have done some of them. 

Third Conditional


Thursday 8 January 2015


Welcome to this new term!

Let's talk and write about our holidays.

Find some connectors to help you to organize and write your story.

Most New Year's resolutions have usually gone out the window by February. So let's be 


This year we are making resolutions just for the month of January.

Make your resolution now !!!

Think about something simple in order to get positive feedback before the end of January.

If you just think of doing better in school is your first success! Congratulations for setting a positive goal!

Some examples: Top 40 New Year Resolutions

New Year resolutions: 
In this lesson, students are introduced to and discuss the topic of New Year resolutions, 

while focusing on the form and use of ‘going to’ to express personal intentions.